Nanotechnological Car Body Treatment

Nanotechnological Car Body Treatment, the most advanced surface protection treatment on the car, gives the bodywork a higher resistance and shine than any wax, with a much longer life.

What is Nanotechnological Car Body Treatment?

Nanotechnological bodywork treatment, also known as nanoceramic treatment, is the state of the art in car surface protection treatment. It is a procedure that protects the car in a very long-lasting way, giving the treated surfaces an extremely high resistance, compared to traditional systems with protective wax or sealant.

The Role of Nanotechnology

This type of treatment is based on nanotechnology, i.e. the creation and use of materials with nano-sized parts. Once applied, it creates a water-repellent coating that is resistant to atmospheric agents and extremely solid.

Advantages of Nanotechnological Treatment

The Nanotechnological Bodywork Treatment gives the treated surfaces the following characteristics:

  • résistance accrue aux rayures
  • résistance à la dégradation (causée par les rayons UV, les événements atmosphériques, la salinité)
  • propriétés anti-tâches (causées par des excréments d'animaux ou des insectes)
  • oléophobie
  • caractère hydrofuge
  • facilité de nettoyage
  • brillance
  • effet protecteur avec une durabilité extrême

Book the Nanotechnological Car Body Treatment

To book the Nanotechnological Treatment for your car at our centre in Ticino (Switzerland), you can fill in the contact form, or call us for more information on +41 91 967 40 40.